我是Alice, 2013年到澳洲打工度假,因為很喜歡澳洲的環境和教育,所以決定在這裡學習。感謝Grace幫我申辦簽證,讓我能順利申請上碩士社工課程。豐富的經驗提供我們學/職涯規劃和建議,讓我們可以專心在學業,不需要太擔心簽證的問題. 每次問問題都會在一定的時間內回覆,態度也很好很有耐心,有問題都可以詢問他們的意見.
I am Alice, first came to Australia for working holiday in 2013, I like Australia's environment and the education system so decide to study. Thanks for Grace education, assist me with study and career planning with their experience, so I don't have to worried too much but focus on my study in master's degree of social work.
They always reply in the short certain of time when I ask them questions, with great attitude and patient, it makes me feel secure to ask for advice if I needed.